Categories and Tags

WPGraphQL provides support for querying Categories, Tags and Custom Taxonomies in various ways.

This page will be most useful for users who are familiar with GraphQL Concepts and understand the basics of writing GraphQL Queries.

Querying Categories and Tags

Categories and Tags are built-in post types in WordPress, and WPGraphQL supports querying them out of the box.

Below are some common examples of querying Categories and Tags with WPGraphQL.

Lists of Categories

Below is an example of querying a list of Category terms. In this example, we ask for categories, and then on the categories field we ask for edges, node then the id, and name of each node (each category term).

query GetCategoryEdges {
  categories {
    edges {
      node {

Screenshot of a query for a list of Categories, edges and node

Below is the same query, but asking for nodes directly, skipping the edges field.

query GetCategoryNodes {
  categories {
    nodes {

Screenshot of a query for a list of Categories nodes

Edges? Nodes? Huh? If you’re not yet familiar with GraphQL Connections, edges and nodes will look like a foreign concept. To get a better understanding of Edges, Nodes and other conventions of GraphQL Connections: Read the GraphQL Connections Guide

Lists of Tags

Querying Tags is almost identical to querying Categories. You could execute the same queries as above, but swap out categories for tags and it would work.

For example:

query GetTagNodes {
  tags {
    nodes {

Screenshot of a query for Tags nodes

Hierarchical vs Flat Taxonomies

One of the primary differences between Categories and Tags is that Categories are Hierarchical (Category terms can have parent-child relationships with other Category terms) and Tags are flat with no parent-child relationships.

Read more about working with hierarchical data in WPGraphQL.

Filtering a List of Terms

The following examples will use Categories and Tags interchangeable, as they operate largely the same. Behind the scenes, they are both Taxonomy Terms and WordPress and WPGraphQL both treat them nearly identically.

Queries for Connections (lists of nodes) can be filtered. Below are some examples of filtering using the where argument. There are many arguments available for filtering Terms.

Query Tags with similar name

The following example shows querying tags with a name like “Gatsby”.

query GetTagNodes {
  tags(where: {nameLike: "Gatsby"}) {
    nodes {

Screenshot of a GraphQL query filtering Tags by nameLike

Single Term by Global ID

Below is an example of querying a single term (of any Taxonomy) using the termNode field and passing the GraphQL Global ID.

The termNode field returns a TermNode Interface Type, which allows for terms of any Taxonomy to be queried.

  category: termNode( id: "dGVybTozNA==" ) {
  tag: termNode( id: "dGVybTo0MA==" ) {

Screenshot of a Query for a Category and a Tag using the termNode field

Single term by URI

The following example shows a query for a single Tag using the uri (the url path) to the term.

  tag( id: "/tag/gatsby/", idType: URI ) {

Screenshot of a GraphQL query for a tag using the URI


WPGraphQL provides mutations (the ability to change data through GraphQL) for Categories, Tags and Custom Taxonomy Terms that are configured to show in the GraphQL Schema.

WPGraphQL adheres to WordPress access control rights, ensuring data can only be created, updated or deleted by users that have proper permission to do so. Learn more in the WPGraphQL Security Guide.

Create a Category

Below is an example of a GraphQL Mutation to create a Category.

The only required field to create a Category is the name.

mutation {
  createCategory(input: {name: "New Category"}) {
    category {

This mutation will only succeed for users with proper capabilities to create Terms in the Category Taxonomy.

Successful Mutation

If the user executing the mutation is authenticated and has proper capabilities to create a Category, the category will be created and the fields asked for in response will be returned.

Screenshot of a successful GraphQL Mutation to create a category

Unuccessful Mutation

If the user executing the mutation is not authenticated, or does not have proper capabilities to create a Category, no data will change in WordPress and an error will be returned.

Screenshot of an unsuccessful GraphQL mutation to create a Category term

Update Category

Below is an example of a GraphQL Mutation to update a Category. In order to update a Category, the ID of the Category must be known and provided to the input.

mutation {
  updateCategory(input: {id: "dGVybTo0NA==", description: "New description..."}) {
    category {

Successful Mutation

If the user making the request is authenticated and has proper capabilities to update the Category term, the term will be updated and the specified fields will be returned in the response.

Screenshot of a successful GraphQL mutation to update a Category

Unuccessful Mutation

If the user making the request is not authenticated, or does not have proper capabilities to update Category terms, no data will change in WordPress and an error will be returned.

Screenshot of an unsuccessful GraphQL Mutation to update a category

Delete Category

Below is an example of a GraphQL Mutation to delete a Category term. In order to delete a Category term, the ID of the Category term must be known and provided to the input.

mutation {
  deleteCategory(input: {id: "dGVybTo0NA=="}) {
    category {

Successful Mutation

If the user making the request is authenticated and has proper capabilities to delete the Category term, the term will be deleted from WordPress and the specified fields will be returned in the response.

Unuccessful Mutation

If the user making the request is not authenticated, or does not have proper capabilities to delete Category terms, no data will change in WordPress and an error will be returned.

Screenshot of an unsuccessful GraphQL Mutation to delete a Category