Custom Fields

    Deprecating a field in the Schema

    Sometimes it can be helpful to deprecate a field in the Schema without removing it altogether.

    Register a basic Mutation

    This snippet shows how to register a basic GraphQL Mutation with a single input field, a single output field, and the input is simply returned as the value for the output.

    Add Edit Link to All Post Types

    The following snippet shows how to add the “Edit” link as a GraphQL field to all post types:

    Add field to output URLs for Sitemap

    The following code is an example of how you can create a field called allUrls that will output site URLs that could be used to generate a sitemap.

    Register GraphQL Field with Argument

    This is an example of registering a field with an argument showing how to use the argument in a resolver.

    Register field as a list of strings

    The below code registers a field called listOfStrings that returns a list of strings as the result:

    Register object and field for custom list of users

    The following code creates an object type called StuntPerformer and creates a field on the RootQuery called stuntPerformers that returns a custom list of users.

    List of Key Values

    This is an example showing how to return a list of keys and values where the keys and values are both strings.

    Add Primary Category field for The SEO Framework plugin

    The following adds a field called primaryCat field when using The SEO Framework WordPress Plugin

    Add field for unencoded content

    The following adds a field to the NodeWithContentEditor interface to get the unencoded content for a post: